Tuesday, November 11, 2014

How Beautiful!


Mi Familia!!

So this week was good. Still trying to find our way around but it is fun! We were buying stuff today in the store and they were playing all christmas music... Let it begin!! haha. I do not have a ton of time to write but something that I was thinking about in my study this week was about the gathering of Isreal and I found that those who will be gathered will be those who hear the voice of the Lord. It is kind of humbling to think that as missionary{s we are His voice, we are His hands, we are doing His work!! How beautiful! You guys can do it too.  It is also humbling to think that we have been blessed to have the opportunity to recognize His voice since we were chicitos, and now we have the great oportunity to share it with EVERYONE!!!
I love it!! I love my companion, i love my area, i love our ward, i love this work, I LOVE THE LORD! He teaches me more everyday!! I am so grateful for the people and the family He has put into my life!!

I love you all so so much!!!
Hermana Taylor

So CRAZY...But I Love it!!!!


Mi Familia!!!

So this week was an interesting one finding our way around town. Needless to say that we had a few fun experiences! There are geckos here and huge toads!!! The ward here is super great. There is one sister that leaves on her mission to Chile in december and she has helped us find our way around a ton. I found out that the pacific ocean is real near by!!! I have pictures!!! It isn{t in my area, but I saw it because there is a neighborhood here that has a ton of tall buildings of apartments and we can see the ocean and it is great!!! It is so beautiful here!!! I{ll sent some photos.... This week my companions parents got married in the lima peru temple, and she was here, and alll she was was happy about, pure happy.... 
Another story, so today we were cleaning our giant house (it really is enormous) and the ground was wet from mopping and we were running around so that we could come to write and I was changing a bunch of stuff from one room to another (because we are still organizing things from last week) and I slipped with a ton of things in my hands almost right on my front and I had my mirror and it broke too but I got up with just two little scrapes... and I have a feeling that I will be sore tomorrow, pero, todo esta bien... it was funny...
Yesterday we had stake conference and some investigators that we have invited her sister and her family of her sister and her sister´s husband is deaf (did you follow that?). Anyways, the sign language alphabet in english and in espanol are almost the same and so I asked him his name and that was about all I could do.... but it was awesome!!! He also said that he knows a little bit of american sign language and his wife helped me understand that... Oh my dear guys... learning and speaking different languages is SO COOL!!! and definately a gift from the Lord. 
My companion is learning lots... and I am too!!
I am so grateful to be here and I know the Lord is helping me every step of the way!!
I love you all so much!!
Hermana Taylor

The taylors reunite!!

Fresh From the MTC

um... so here is my email from last week... i forgot to send it...

Mi Familia,

So this week was a bit crazy. We had changes and I did a ton of traveling. I am about the furthest away from the mission home that you can be casi. I got a new companion, Hermana Sangama, and she is from Peru! Whoo Hoo!! Fresh from the MTC, So fun!! We finally arrived in my new area this morning and we are still trying to figure out where everything it is kind of crazy but real fun! It is super hot,  but I just think of how I am getting a taste of how shae shae feels... caliente!! I don´t have a ton of time to write so I will talk about more adventures next week!!! I hope you are all found well this week! i love you all so so much!!! 
Hermana Taylor

My new companion and I found a high school friend, Sara Burns!!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Power and Authority


Mi Familia!!

This week was great. We had some really spiritual lessons and in every one we could testify of Christ and His gospel... How great is that??? Super great!
So yesterday we were searching for some new investigators and we found a lady that we began to teach. She asked us if our message took a lot of time and we said that we could share it in about 30 mins. So she let us in. We began teaching her and we asked her about herself. She shared some things that were quite hard in her life but it was cool to see how, despite all of her trials, she had a smile on her face. We start teaching her and it was a good lesson. We find out later that she had a dream about us the night before, about me and my companion. WOW! That has never happened before. She told us the only reason she accepted to hear us was because she had this dream and she said to herself, if they come tomorrow I will let them in. So we taught her and she accepted a baptism date and she is great! Oh how the Lord works! We weren´t even planning on going to see her but we were by her house so we decided to knock. Something that I really realized as we were teaching her is that when we teach the people it really isn´t with us that they have these experiences, it is completely and totally with the Lord. If we are doing our part as missionaries, the investigators should learn how to rely on Him to find the answers, we are just guides to help out. This is His work!
We also have another investigator and she is progressing really really well! It has amazed me how she has accepted the gospel. We started teaching her and it turns out that she had a lot of coraje for one of the members of our ward but even still she did not let that change the testimony that she had gained of our message. She really understands that it is between her and God and no one else. Things were resolved and after feeling bad for so many years, the gospel is letting ger feel the peace of Christ in her life. Oh how I love the gospel!!!

I love you all so much!!
Hermana Taylor

He gave me a makeover!!

Una Familia Dios me dio'!!!


Mi Familia!!!

What a week. We had interview with the president which was good. We are finding more people to teach and we are hechandole ganas to work harder and harder everyday.
One experience that I had this week was in a lesson with an investigator and his wife that we have been teaching for a while. They started asking us how we get married in the church and so we taught them about eternal families. Probably my favorite lesson of them all. I always feel the spirit so strong when we teach this lesson. I asked the investigator a question, "what are you willing to do to have an eternal family?" and they said that they would be willing to do many things and then I asked them, "are you willing to pray and to recieve an answer that Joseph Smith was a profet of God to know if the Book of Mormon is true and then follow these answers?" and they said yes. I really just learned how connected and beautiful the gospel is. If we know that Joseph Smith was a profet of God and that the Book of Mormon is true we can come to know so many more wonderful mysteries of God and His gospel. Its like Nefi when he asks to understand more about his fathers dream and Enos when he remembers the words of his father and Alma too. When we ask God simple questions and we make an effort to search and recieve the answers, literally billions of doors are opened to know much much more! Oh how I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

I love you all so so much!!
Hermana TAylor