Friday, January 3, 2014

A Marvelous Work and a Wonder: December 2, 2013

There is so much to say about my first week here.. where to start... when <i first got here and met the mission pres and his wife and we went to there house i really just felt like home...(they speak english) the first thing that was different here was the crazy driving... they get a lot closer to eachother here in mexico. 
my companion is hermana garcia and she is so awesome, she wants to work really hard which is really good for me because i want to do the same. she doesn{t speak a ton of english but i think she speaks more english than i do spanish..

my house is good... some cucarachas and mouse poop but i cleaned it really well today. the food has been great, i actually have really liked everyting. thanksgiving was good too, i got homemade french fries... so good!!! they don't really make a big deal of it though here. our main transportation is the bus and the first time i got on it it was like the bus from harry potter but i am getting more used to it. the weather is good, in the morning and night it gets a bit nippy and in the middle of the day it gets hot so it's good.

I had an alma the younger experience... we ate lunch with a member and after i figured out how this members husband is dumb and it just really hit me and i just couldn't stop crying about it, it was so sad to me, and we had a lesson to teach, i couldn't go in there crying!!! but then we had this lesson and it was with a man named daniel and his wife jessika(she is inactive) and he knows english which was nice... anyways... i invited him to be baptized and he said yes!!! it was amazing!!! i was so happy... it was amazing to me how it could just switch over like that... Daniel is really cool and we taught him again last night and he just really understands how the spirit works and it all makes sense to him... he is really awesome!!

The language is coming bit by bit... i can understand pretty well when we talk about gospel things because those are the words i know but everything else is hard to understand... pero esta bien!! Siempre!!! people tell me jokes and i don't think i understand their sense of humor yet...
could i ask some specific prayers from you guys.... 

we have a recent convert that we spend a lot of time with named Salvador and he is super great, and another family we spend a lot of time with is the Espiritus... great names huh???!!

I really love being able to represent christ! Sunday was the best and i understood a lot and it was fast and testimony meeting and as soon as the sacrament was over, the stand was filled with people young and old who wanted to share there testimonies, it was awesome!!! my ward is really great and later i had the opportunity to ask all of them to pray for missionary experiences and <i told them how powerful their testimonies were and that was really cool for me.
I love you all more than anything!! i hope you have a wonderful week!!!

love, hermana taylor

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